The Voice Of Experience

The writing world calls her “Epstein,” but reality calls her “Kay.” She has been a nurse since 1992, a traveling nurse since 2003, and an Amazon #1 Best Selling author since 2007. She currently spends her winters in California working as a traveling House Supervisor, and takes the summer off to speak at travel companies and work on the Travelers Conference.

Not only was she chosen as one of the traveling nurses of the year in 2005, but her travel nursing books have received top awards. The 2005 version was a finalist in the USABooksNews’ annual awards, the 2007 version reached Number One on Amazon’s best seller list in Nursing Trends, Issues, and Roles. The 2009 version was a winner in the USABookNews’ annual awards in 2010. The 2012 version debuted on the Amazon’s Issues, Trends, and Roles best seller list and quickly catapulted to the number one position. The 2015 and 2017 books started on top of the Amazon’s Top New Releases, and have continued to be on the top 100 of the Nursing Reference books & eBooks.  The 2015 version added a complete chapter authored by Joseph C. Smith, the voice of authority for travel taxes, and the 2017 version added a chapter on Traveling to Foreign countries by Aaron Highfill,  RN, international traveler.  

For the last 10 years, Kay has been involved in the Travelers Conference as both a speaker and an MC, and has traveled to several travel company sites to get a better view of the other side.  Her primary goal is to bridge the gap between travelers and recruiters.  There is no reason why we all can’t get along and work together for good of the patients.